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SAVAGE is a large scale site based work which invites the audience into a world outside of time and place. The audience travel together yet alone, enveloped in a delicate soundscape experienced on headphones as a group of young women lead them into an elemental world we are in danger of losing.
SAVAGE features 10 young woman from Dance North Youth Company and has had three sell-out runs in July and October 2021 as part of Dance North's RISE festival and for Findhorn Bay Festival 2022.
Our bodies are entwined with the land and it's wild savage spaces. The winds can blow harsh and push you down, you can get lost in the deep darkness of the night and be captured by the wild force of the sea.
Alana Coutts, Maya Chambers, Millie Goodyear, Florence Spilsbury-Roberts, Emmie Geddes, Ariane Barrère, Emma Geddes, Laurie Mackenzie, Andi Brogan, Emma Dunsmore,
Ava Rooke, and Poppy Lindsay.
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